A student’s EQ (Emotional Intelligence) has been established by research as a fundamental variable that directly impacts their success in academics and in life in general. EQ is defined as an individual’s ability to sense emotions in themselves and others and use that information to direct their behaviour accordingly. A person with a high EQ is able to:
- Resolve conflicts
- Delay gratification
- Be self-controlled and discipline
- Have empathy, and generally inspire positive affect in others.
Studies have shown EQ to often surpass IQ in importance for job or academic careers, as it is responsible for several soft skills high in demand for successful academicians, professionals, entrepreneurs, and even for personal relationships.
Despite initial debate, research has shown that EQ can be learned, thus equipping young students with invaluable tools that will guarantee success in their future. The evidence-based method through which EQ skills are both applied in learning and taught as a new skillset for students is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).
According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), SEL is “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”
SEL is the framework through which students acquire vital EQ skills while also advancing in their academics. SEL is the best instructional approach for a healthy emotional and cognitive development, designed to yield high results in students’ academic competences as well as their overall non-academic interpersonal skills.
SEL instils motivation, social awareness, responsibility, self-awareness, self-regulation, and good relationship skills in the student, skills which in turn enhance the student’s IQ and ensure a high academic level and coveted professional career in any field in the future.
Within the SEL framework, Owl Tuition Studio will ensure that students acquire:
- Empathy
- Impulse control
- Problem solving
- Emotional recognition and management
- Communication skills
- Assertiveness
At Owl Tuition Studio, we seek to support students’ development holistically. EQ/SEL is the latest, best, most successful evidence-based framework for yielding happy, balanced, high achievers ready to excel in their personal life and the workplace.